Tuesday 1 May 2012

Final products of the 3 pages ( front cover , contents page and double spread )

The Front Cover

From the Draft that i made previously i made a number of changes towards my final Front cover firstly i slimmed down the title so that it was not as over powering as before so that it doesnt drag your eyes dramitcly to there but instead lets the picture stand out more, this is what i had planned in the first place, the writing of that i have used also compliments the backgroud that i have also tweaked from my first design. making it slightly darker that the edges making the picture more stand out.

                                                           The Contents Page

From the First draft that i did for this page i haven't done much from that one to this one all that i have done is made more proffessional, ive added proper borders to isolate each part of the page. i have made sure that the images are in proportion to the rest of the page and lastly i just made sure everything fits right and the right information is on there.

                                                            The Double spread
This page i have done a major overhaul on everything. i have kept the first layout for my double page spread, because it looks professional and appeals to the target audiance becasue you can see where everything is meant to go.
what i have changed was the backgroud colour from the red to black because it was hard to see with the blue writing which also i changed to a dark brown colour that reflects well on the back ground, i also added borders like the ones i used for the contents page to continue the same order as the other pages so that it seems more like a magazine instead of just a music magazine made by a media student 

drafts for the three pages


1. In what way does your media product us, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
When i started my project i did some research about Music magazines that are used, because i have made a magazine that incorperates more than just one genre of music like the name of the magazine i made "mainstream" it has a collection of magazines that would normally make up my magazine. i looked at kerrang , vibe , smash hits , so that i could see the layouts that they did , the mode of address that they put in there and the colour schemes that they use and lastly the techniques that they used so that i could improve the work that i had began to start.

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?
For My Media Project for the background i used colours that was light green to dark blue but using the gradient tool on photoshop made it go into each other, why i did this is because the colours represented the groups that were included in the magazine. also it not only applies to the audience it also looks good when you are looking at it so it appeals to the audience more. The information that i did also relates to the audience involved, with the cover story and the information inside relates to the wider range of people that the audience for my magazine represents.

3. What kind of media institutions may distribute your media product and why?
The Magazine that i made could be distributed using 2 ways firstly there is the tradictional way of going to the shop and buying it, which is the normal one that most people think of. the other one way that it could be distributed is online with an app like the Metro app avaliable for download on the app store on the android and the Apple range ( the Iphone , Ipod Touch , Ipad ) . when it is online it also allows the chance to have more information online and you can have advertisments to similar products that are available that would suit the audience type that are related to the magazine that I created, in other words synergy the  promotion and sale of a product and its similar products  throughout the various subsidiaries of a media conglomerate.

4. Who would be your audience?
I think that my music magazine appeals to the Target audience that originally designated it towards, the target audience that this magazine will be the teenage market mainly pointing towards the ages of 16 – 18.

5. How did you attract/ address your audience?
 When i started the project i began with research in to the target group/ audience what i found was certain examples of works of media that was around at this time so that i could look at the infirmation on it. I believe was the type of speech that I used inside the articles where the same kind of language that would be used by that specific target group. I found out what kind of language that would be used from the research that I conducted from the questionnaires which I handed out to people of that target group and from personal experience due to the fact I have recently just come out of that certain target group, to attract to the audience i made sure to use images that appealed to the right audiences , the articles also that are included in the magazine are ones that would be relevent to the readers because they are specially chosen for that audience.

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process constructing your product?
I have learnt a lot more about how to use photoshop correctly and how much easier it is when you know what you are doing and how hard it can be if you dont remember everything that you was taught about it. what i did learn was how to edit, crop and re-size photos so that they look right on the page that i am workigng on and also how to airbrush my photos so that the image gives it more of a shine and more clarity from the picture lastyly how to create Interesting texst and fonts to use in my work to give the work more of a proffessional look to it

7. Look at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
Now that I have finished my magazine I can now properly look back at what I have done and where the positives and
Negatives to the work that I have done, From the original brief that I had where i had to create a music magazine I think that I fulfilled the criteria that was set, I believe that I made a adaquete front cover that resembles that of a current type of magazine for the audience that I had chosen to mainly use for my magazine.
There are of course good parts and bad parts of the work that I did, 2 main good points that I found out after reviewing my work at the end of it was that my abilities with photoshop has improved dramatically from what it was at the start of the project an also that the finished project fulfilled the criteria set at the start.
And then there's the bad parts firstly I need to become more confident in the decisions that I do during the project and lastly that I need to incorporate more of my photography skills whilst taking photos to improve them next time.
Also to add to what i have said,  i have been able to make sure i use the skills that i use in photography into this subject with the quality of the photos and the skills that i have in that project and take them and combine them with what i have in Media.