Thursday 10 November 2011

Proposal for music magazine

Idea: The title of the Music magazine that i shall make will be called Mainstream.

The Genres used:  The genres of the magizines that will be in my shall be of a mixed variety that a range of people are interested in.
This will range from pop to rock to hip- hop and metal and rap , this will mean that i will appeal to a wider amount of people and broaden the people that would normally buy this magazine.

The Age Range: The age range that i have chosen is 16 - 18 years, the reason for this is becasue the age range that i have chosen are normally meant to have money to buy the magazine and can go to concerts and buy the stuff that is going to be advertised inthe magazine.

Target Audiance : the target audiance i am after for my magazine will be the teenage market mainly pointing towards the ages of 16 - 18 , i have picked them because of the content inside my magazine will apply directly to them.

Why this is a good idea: i think that this is a good idea because music appeals to young adults , they also have a disposable income so they can buy what they want also most have part time jobs at this age which contribute to more money , i was in this target audiance untill last month so i know what this age group / target auduance want in a magazine.

How i am going to get this done:  firstly i will do a brainstorm of ideas that would be suitable in my magazine , then i shall research on what works well in a current magazine , after that i will create a questionaire and distribute it around people of that age group to further my research on this subject.
after i will begin my first draft for both the front cover and the contents page, by applying the brainstorm ideas to the first draft to see if it works well with my ideas,

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